Flu shots are here! Help protect yourself and your loved ones by getting a flu shot. Book now

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Terms of Use

In a medical emergency, don’t book an appointment. Call 911, visit a hospital or emergency room or contact your doctor immediately. After your appointment, Lifemark will share certain details of your visit with PC Health, including personal health information such as the type of healthcare provider you consulted and the date and time of your appointment. This information will be used within PC Health to provide you with a comprehensive visit summary and to offer you personalized insights and recommendations to improve your health and wellness. As a reminder, you can manage your communication preferences at any time in your PC Health settings. 

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PC HEALTH & DESIGN is a trademark of Loblaws Inc. © 2023 Loblaws Inc., All Rights Reserved.

L & CROSS Design and LEAGUE Design are registered trademarks of League, Inc. © League, Inc. 2016. All rights reserved.

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